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Which blending and knockdown tips are compatible with JVF hammers?
JVF blending and body hammers come standard with 5/16 threaded positions at both ends of the handle making it compatible...
When to Use a Knockdown Hammer vs a Blending Hammer?
Blending hammers are best used for larger, softer high spots. Knockdowns are generally smaller tips best suited for sharper damage....
What is the Difference Between the JVF Blending Hammers?
Keco collision kits are sold with two different JVF hammers—lightweight blending hammer and a heavier weight body hammer. Both hammers...
What are the different JVF Hammer Tips Used For?
JVF knockdown and blending hammers feature a variety of interchangeable tips designed to fit the specific damage being repaired. Small,...
How Hard Should I Press Down when Applying a Glue Tab to the Panel?
Learn how to properly place your GPR tabs for the best results.
How Hard Should I Pull on Glue Tabs to Correct Damage?
Learn how to pull with the proper amount of strength to achieve results fast.
How to Ensure Correct Glue Tab Placement on Damaged Panel?
We recommend using a grease pencil or marker to clearly mark the edges of the damage when viewing with a...